
Article 27

Measures to support employers
Measures to support workers with disabilities
Employment on the open labour market
Employment in the supported / sheltered sector
Employment in the public sector
Employment of blind and partially sighted women
Vocational rehabilitation and training
Incentive measures to employ workers with disabilities
Legal obligation to employ workers with disabilities
Vocational counselling
Main occupations performed by workers with a visual impairment
Looking for a job
Legal recognition of disabled worker status
Trade unions and workers with disabilities

Measures to support employers

The main legislation to support employers in Slovenia is Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities Act (2007). According to this Act employers are entitled to different financial support: wage subsidies for people with disabilities; up to 70% compensation of adapting jobs including adaptation of premises, purchasing equipment and providing a specific training; compensation of services in supported employment; exemption from payment of contributions for pension and disability insurance of employees with disabilities; bonuses for exceeding the quota and annual awards to employers for good practices.

Measures to support workers with disabilities

The main legislation to support employees with disabilities in Slovenia is Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities Act (2007). Persons with disabilities can get employment at the open labour market, in the supported employment, shelter employment or quota system. They are provided with necessary equipment, adaptation of premises, training, counselling, adjustments and arrangements in their working hours and shifts. Also, they are entitled to early retirement with a status of worker with disability.



Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities Act (Article 5) explicitly forbids direct and indirect discrimination in employment of people with disabilities, or in the duration of employment. Thus no difference should be made between a person with disability or without one in the process of recruitment or when concerning access to training. Moreover, nobody can be made redundant on the basis of disability.

Other legislative measures, such is Equalisation of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities Act, also support non-discrimination in all aspects of life.


Employment on the open labour market

With accordance to Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities Act companies (except embassies and some companies with shelter employment) with a work force of more than 20 employees must hire between 2% and 6 % of employees with disabilities, depending on the line of business. Employer who fails to meet the quota criteria is monthly obliged upon the payment of 70% of minimal wage to special Found for each person with disabilities that should be employed by the company. On the other hand Found provides financial support, bonus and awards to employers, who exceeds the quota.


Employment in the supported / sheltered sector

Employment of Persons with Disabilities Act defines sheltered employment as the employment of the persons with disabilities in the flexible workplace and in the working environment adapted to individual's needs including to working capacities of the employee who is not able to be employed in a regular job placement. The shelter sector is network of specific centres across the country (Employment Centres) and other employers who in their special acts particularly specify certain job positions as sheltered placements. Workers have a contract which includes among general parts also the extent of support, training and counselling for individual according to his needs.


Employment in the public sector

Main legislation to support employers and employees in Slovenia is Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities Act (2007). The same measures are implemented in both private and public sector. Companies (except embassies and some companies with shelter employment) with a work force of more than 20 employees must hire between 2% and 6 % of employees with disabilities, depending on the line of business. Employer who fails to meet the quota criteria is monthly obliged upon the payment of 70% of minimal wage to special Found for each person with disabilities that should be employed by the company. On the other hand Found provides financial support, bonus and awards to employers, who exceeds the quota.


Employment of blind and partially sighted women.

Discrimination against women is illegal in Slovenia. Female workers enjoy equal rights and opportunities. However, data reveals that there are more employed men than women amongst visually impaired people.  Women also tend to have slower progression rates that their male colleagues.


Self Employment

In Slovenia there are visually impaired people in self-employment but the estimated percentage in the population is rather low. Like any other job seeker blind and partially sighted can benefit from national grand scheme for encouraging self-employment sector. If criteria are met they are entitled to

different financial support: wage subsidies for people with disabilities; up to 70% compensation of adapting jobs including adaptation of premises, purchasing equipment and providing a specific training; compensation of services in supported employment; exemption from payment of contributions for pension and disability insurance of employees with disabilities; bonuses for exceeding the quota and annual awards to employers for good practices.


Vocational rehabilitation and training

Legal ground for vocational rehabilitation in Slovenia is Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities Act (2007) with its implementing regulations. Vocational rehabilitation is defined as the right of the persons with disabilities to certain vocational rehabilitation services specified in a rehabilitation plan. All persons with disabilities can receive vocational rehabilitation and training. However, candidates must be under 50 years old when referred by the Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia. In order to empower and prepare candidates for most suitable work they receive various types of workshops in different organisations, depending on what is most suitable for them.

Vocational rehabilitation in Slovenia shall be carried out as a public service within the network of public and private providers of vocational rehabilitation. All providers must conduct services according to the national recognised and verified program. Candidates are referred by the Employment Service of Slovenia which is the key Slovenian labour market institution and can stay in program between 3 months up to 2 years. They could be also referred by employers or by the Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia or in some case by third party. Only when the referee is Employment Service of Slovenia cost of vocational rehabilitation and training are covered directly from the budget of the Republic of Slovenia.


Incentive measures to employ workers with disabilities.

According to the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities Act (2007) employers are entitled to different financial support: wage subsidies for people with disabilities; up to 70% compensation of adapting jobs including adaptation of premises, purchasing equipment and providing a specific training; compensation of services in supported employment; exemption from payment of contributions for pension and disability insurance of employees with disabilities; bonuses for exceeding the quota and annual awards to employers for good practices.


Legal obligation to employ workers with disabilities

With accordance to Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities Act companies (except embassies and some companies with shelter employment) with a work force of more than 20 employees must hire between 2% and 6 % of employees with disabilities, depending on the line of business. Employer who fails to meet the quota criteria is monthly obliged upon the payment of 70% of minimal wage to special Found for each person with disabilities that should be employed by the company. On the other hand Found provides financial support, bonus and awards to employers, who exceeds the quota.


Vocational counselling.

Persons with disabilities can receive counselling mostly by Employment Service of Slovenia, other national agencies, private and public organisations which provide vocational training and various NGO's depending on disability they have. There are also annual Government schemes to encourage and support unemployed people with disabilities. Currently we are facing the problem which resulted from the fact that people with visual impairments are a minority among workers. Consequently, counsellors are often unaware of the specific issues associated with the visually impaired group and they don't know how to provide suitable services for them.


Main occupations performed by workers with a visual impairment.

Among Blind and Partially Sighted there is no main occupation as such. Workers with visual impairment are found in diverse branches in Slovenia. Many work as receptionists, masseurs, social workers, clerks, journalists,… Most of them undergo through the exact same education and training as their sighted colleagues.


Looking for a job

Job seekers with visual impairments can receive support from Employment Service of Slovenia, other national agencies, private and public organisations which provide vocational training and various NGO's depending on disability they have.


Legal recognition of disabled worker status

Main legislation for legal recognition of disabled worker status in Slovenia is Pension and Disability Insurance Act (2012). According to this act person is recognised with status of person with disability when his health has deteriorated to that extent that cannot be treated with any therapy or rehabilitation. As a result of disability person's abilities are reduced to the level that he cannot perform with his work anymore. After initial medical consultations and examinations practitioner refers candidate to specialist for further assessments. When all necessary documentation is gathered candidate can submit application for recognition of status to Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia.


Trade unions and workers with disabilities.

Blind and Partially Sighted in Slovenia belong to all manner of Trade Unions. Many unions have disability advisors, who would consider disability issues or would link with other disability organisations.
