
Article 28 - Adequate standard of living and social protection

I - The resources and income of disabled people.

  1. Are there specific legislative procedures for disabled people to enable them to have a minimum of resources ?
  2. Do laws exist in your country to enable a minimum of resources for people who become disabled during their working lives ?

II - Disability compensation.


A) An average of 70% of blind and seriously partially-sighted people of working age are unemployed. Are there specific legislative procedures for disabled people in your country to enable them to have a minimum of resources?


  • If yes: what are these allowances?

Social assistance benefit – it's not disability related but many people with disability are eligible for it because of greater vulnerability to low income. It's a social allowance, defined under Social Assistance Benefits Act.    

Assistance and attendance allowance - is granted on the ground that the person is blind or partially sighted (Pension and Disability Insurance Act). Prerequisite for eligibility is Compulsory Pension and Disability Insurance – person must be insured in order to obtain the right.

Jobseeker's allowance – It's allowance for unemployed people who were insured in case of unemployment prior becoming unemployed (Labour Market Regulation Act).

Give specific details of the following aspects:


  • 1 Criteria of eligibility
  1. Age.

    - Minimum: Social assistance benefit – 18; Jobseeker's allowance - 15

    - Maximum: Jobseeker's allowance - retirement age

  2. Level of disability.

    Assistance and attendance allowance is granted on the grounds that the person is blind or partially sighted and has Compulsory Pension and Disability Insurance. There are different rates:

    -        292,11 EUR per month for blind (less than 5% residual sight);

    -        146,06 EUR for partially sighted with less than 10 % of residual sight;

    -       418,88 EUR per month for the blind with additional severe disabilities.

  3. Nationality.
  4. Conditions of residence in the country.
    The applicant must be resident of Slovenia.


  • 2 Financial conditions.
  1. Ceiling.
    - Is the allowance means-tested?

    Only Social assistance benefit is means-tested.

  2. Calculation of financial conditions.

    - If the allowance is means-tested, state under what conditions.

    If the allowance is means-tested, state under what conditions.

    Calculation of financial conditions is taking into account applicant's income and assets and income and assets of his/her dependants in the household.

  • 3 Amount of the allowance.
  1. Normal rate.

    - What is the amount of the allowance given to people with no other income, state briefly how the allowance varies according to other income or resources.

    Social assistance benefit provides minimum income to the applicant. The rate changes each year: from 1 January 2016 is 288,81 EUR a month.

     Assistance and attendance allowance is granted on the grounds that the person is blind or partially sighted and has Compulsory Pension and Disability Insurance.

    Jobseeker's allowance: the rate depends on wage prior becoming unemployed.

  2. Reduction of the allowance.

    - State briefly under what circumstances the allowance may be reduced.

    Social assistance benefit: a change of household circumstances such as a partner moving out, a child becoming a non-dependant.

  • 4 Minimum wage and “poverty line”.

- In order to compare the situation in different EBU member states, please indicate the minimum wage (if this exists in your country) for a full-time worker, and what is considered to be “the poverty line”.

Minimum wage from 1 January 2016 is 790,73 EUR (gross).

The poverty line in Slovenia is app 596 EUR a month (net income per person).

  • 5 Payment of the allowance.

 - What are the organisations which calculate and attribute the allowance?

Organisations which calculate and attribute the allowance are listed below for each benefit:

Social assistance benefit - Social Work Centre

Assistance and attendance allowance - Pension and Disability Insurance Institute

Jobseeker's allowance - Employment Service of Slovenia

  • 6 Tax treatment of allowances and fringe benefits.
  1. Tax. Is the benefit subject to tax?
    Only Jobseeker's allowance is subject to tax – it depends on wage applicant received before becoming unemployed.
  2. Fringe benefits. Does this allowance accord any fringe benefits?

    Social assistance benefit, Assistance and attendance allowance and Jobseeker's allowance accord various fringe benefits: elementary health insurance (Jobseeker's allowance) discounts in transport, admission fees (public libraries, museums etc.), some tax benefits etc.

    Assistance and attendance allowance accord the following fringe benefits: personal income tax deduction; exemption of Annual Fee on the Use of personal Motor Vehicles; exemption of toll for personal Motor Vehicles; exemption of tourist fee.

B) Do laws exist in your country to enable a minimum of resources for people who become disabled during their working lives?


  • If yes : what is the name of the allowance ?

A person becoming disabled during their working life will potentially be entitled to the benefits described in section A.

According to Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Disabled Persons Act a person who becomes disabled during working life has the right for vocational rehabilitation. They will be entitled to some benefits: public transport reimbursement (for applicant and his/her guide); accomodation reimbursement (if applicable) but maximum in amount of 20 % of minimum wage monthly; and cash benefit (in amount of 40 % of minimum wage monthly). This cash benefits applies whether applicant is involved in vocational rehabilitation process at least 100 hours a month and if he doesn't receive Jobseeker's allowance or other benefits from Pension and Disability Insurance Institute (exception is Assistance and attendance allowance).

Specify by giving details of the following aspects:


  • 1 Criteria of eligibility
  1. Age.

    Social assistance benefit – 18; Jobseeker's allowance - 15

    - Maximum: Jobseeker's allowance - retirement age

  2. Degree of disability.
    Assistance and attendance allowance is granted on the grounds that the person is blind or partially sighted and has Compulsory Pension and Disability Insurance.
  3. Nationality.
  4. Residency requirements.
    The applicant must be resident of Slovenia
  5. Other conditions, please give details.
  • 2 Means test.

Only Social assistance benefit is means-tested.


  • 3 Amount of the allowance.

Social assistance benefit provides minimum income to applicant. The rate changes each year: from 1st January 2016 is 288,81 EUR.

 Assistance and attendance allowance is granted on the grounds that the person is blind or partially sighted and has Compulsory Pension and Disability Insurance.

Jobseeker's allowance: the rate depends on wage prior becoming unemployed.


  • 4 Attribution, payment of the allowance.

- Who attributes the allowance: State, local government, others, give details.

State: Social allowance and Jobseeker's allowance.

Pension and Disability Insurance Institute: Assistance and attendance allowance

  • 5 Tax treatment of allowances and fringe benefits.
  1. Tax. Is the benefit subject to tax?
    Only Jobseeker's allowance is subject to tax – it depends on wage applicant received before becoming unemployed.
  2. Fringe benefits. Does this allowance accord fringe benefits?

    As section A.

    Social assistance benefit, Assistance and attendance allowance and Jobseeker's allowance accord various fringe benefits: elementary health insurance (Jobseeker's allowance) discounts in transport, admission fees (public libraries, museums etc.), some tax benefits etc.

    Assistance and attendance allowance accord the following fringe benefits: personal income tax deduction; exemption of Annual Fee on the Use of personal Motor Vehicles; exemption of toll for personal Motor Vehicles; exemption of tourist fee.


A visual disability (blindness or serious loss of sight) entails additional costs which must be met. Is there a specific allowance in your country to compensate for these costs?


  • If yes, give the name of this allowance and reply to the following questions. 

Assistance and attendance allowance – persons are entitled to this allowance on the grounds they have difficulties with locomotion due to disability – sight loss (orientation and mobility difficulties). Having sight loss does not automatically give you the right for this allowance. Compulsory Pension and Disability Insurance is prerequisite for this right.

  • 1 Eligibility conditions.
  1. Age.

    - Minimum:

    Blind children can attain the right if they are insured by other insurance holder (e.g. parents, caretaker).

    - Maximum:

    Until death.

    - Duration of the allowance.


  2. Degree of disability.
    partially sighted (less than 10 % of residual sight); blind (less than 5% residual sight)
  3. Nationality.
  4. Conditions of residence in the country.
    The applicant must be resident of Slovenia.
  5. Other conditions, give details.
    applicant must have Compulsory Pension and Disability Insurance
  • 2 Financial conditions.

Not means-tested.

  • 3 Amount of the allowance.

- What is the amount of the allowance?

There are different rates:

-         292,11 EUR per month for blind (less than 5% residual sight);

-         146,06 EUR for partially sighted with less than 10 % of residual sight;

-         418,88 EUR per month for the blind with additional severe disabilities.


  • 4 Attribution and payment of the allowance.

- Which organisations attribute and pay the allowance:
State, local authorities, please give details.

Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of the Republic of Slovenia.


  • 5 Payment of the allowance.



  • 6 Reduction of the allowance.

- State briefly under what conditions the allowance can be reduced.



  • 7 Tax system of the allowance and fringe benefits.
  1. Tax system.
    Is the allowance subject to tax?

  2. Fringe benefits.
    Does the allowance offer fringe benefits?

    Yes, assistance and attendance allowance accord the following fringe benefits: personal income tax deduction; exemption of Annual Fee on the Use of personal Motor Vehicles; exemption of toll for personal Motor Vehicles; exemption of tourist fee.