EBU Low Vision Conference 2018


Low Vision Services, a global right - setting the standards in Europe

In Slovenia (June 14th - 17th) for the very first time EBU hosted a conference with a specific focus on "low vision". The aim at this event was to bring together stakeholders with a particular interest in low vision, and dedicated low vision services, either through their work in rehabilitation/ophthalmology or related fields, or by having lived experience of low vision.


EBU used the collective wisdom of participants and presenters to mobilise a European wide commitment to put low vision and dedicated services on the policy map. Our intention was:

  • To have the EBU standards for low vision services implemented throughout Europe,
  • To enlist people with low vision and professionals in this ‘movement’ so that national networks of persons with low vision are formed or strengthened,
  • To ensure that as a right, people with low vision can live in a world that is open and ultimately accessible to them where full participation in citizenship and community, family and personal life becomes the norm.


Final programme

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6