Sweden - Campaigning for accessibility – A Street For All

Synskadades Riksförbund the Swedish organisation of the visually impaired has as one of its primary goals to increase the knowledge of the general public on the living conditions of the visually impaired and our opportunities.

This autumn we are launching a campaign all over the country 'A street for all'.

The most important goals are accessibility on the streets as well as in the traffic environment with a special emphasis on the white cane. With the campaign, we wish to enlighten the general public about what can be done to support persons with a visually impairment on the streets and the respect for the white cane.

We know since we conducted an inquiry among our members that more than a fifth of the members of The Swedish organisation of the visually impaired never or very seldom move around outside without company.

'A street for all' asks the general public to show support and to ask us if we need help if we seem insecure. The goal is that we should be able to get around on the streets and in the traffic environment in a secure and comfortable manner.

The campaign was inaugurated on August 20 and ended on October 15, white cane day.