- EBU National Members
- EBU Associate and Honorary members
- Views of Life videocast with EBU staff and members.
EBU National Members
Full membership for national organisations or federations of blind and partially sighted people.
EBU currently has 42 member countries, each represented by a national delegation.
- Albania
- Armenia
- Austria
- Belarus
- Belgium
- Bosnia Herzegovina
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Iceland
- Ireland
- Italy
- Kazakhstan
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Moldova
- Montenegro
- The Netherlands
- North Macedonia
- Norway
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Russia
- Serbia
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- United Kingdom
A map of continental Europe displaying EBU member countries.
Albanian Blind Association (External link)
Rruga Nikolla Lena, Nr. 62, Tirana
Tel: +355 4 2 271727
General Contact: Gjergj Smakaj
Mobile/Whatsapp: +355 697329029
President: Jonit FERHATI
+355 68 501 8408
E-mail: ferhatijonid@gmail.com
Website: www.shvsh.org.al/
Armenian Association of the Blind
President: Rafik KHACHATRYAN
18 Isahakyan Street
375025 Erevan
Tel: +374 10 56 0521 or 56 1973
E-mail: armblind2000@yahoo.com
Austrian Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted (BSVÖ) (External link)
President: Dr. Markus WOLF
Hietzinger Kai 85/DG
A-1130 Vienna
Tel: +43 1 9827 584 201
Fax: +43 1 9827 584 209
E-mail: international@blindenverband.at, praesident@blindenverband.at, office@blindenverband.at
Website: www.blindenverband.at
Belarussian Association of the Visually Handicapped (External link)
Chairman: Oleg CHEPEL
7 Amuratorskaya Street
220004 Minsk
Tel: +375 17 203 25 06
Fax: +375 17 226 6440
E-mail: typhlo-bel@mail.ru
Website: www.beltiz.by/
Ligue Braille / Brailleliga (External link)
EBU correspondant: Bart Verdickt
Executive assistant: Annick Van den Heuvel
Rue d'Angleterre 57
1060 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 533 32 11
Fax: +32 2 537 64 26
Email: info@braille.be
Website: www.braille.be/
Bosnia Herzegovina
Union of the Blind in Bosnia and Herzegovina
President of the Assembly: Branko Suzić
Chairman of the Board: Zdravko Cigić
Ramiza Salčina 2, 71000 Sarajevo
Tel: +387 51 324 820
Fax: +387 51 324 821
Cellphone: +387 65 531 192
E-mail: savezsubih@gmail.com, savez.slijepih.hb@tel.net.ba, ssrs@blic.net
Union of the Blind in Bulgaria / Sayuz na slepite v Balgaria
President: Vasil DOLAPCHIEV
Sofia – 1309, 172 “Naicho Tsanov” str.
Tel: +359 2 812 7050
E-mail: ssb.sofia@abv.bg
International Department: Mr. Kevork Kabzamalyan kkevo@mail.bg,
+359 2 812 7030
Skype: Kevork Kabzamalyan - UBB
Web Site: www.ssb-bg.net/
Croatian Blind Union(External link)
President: Kruno Drenski
Draskoviceva 80/IV, P.O.B. 472
10000 Zagreb
Tel: +385 1 4812 501
E-mail: hrvatski@savez-slijepih.hr, mateja.rajnovic@savez-slijepih.hr
International Cooperation - srdana.simac@savez-slijepih.hr
Website: www.savez-slijepih.hr/
Pancyprian Organization of the Blind
President: Christakis NICOLAIDES
P.O. Box 23511
1684 Nicosia
Tel: +357 22 813 383
E-mail: pot@logos.cy.net
Website: pot.org.cy
Czech Republic
SONS, Czech Blind United (External link)
Krakovska 21, 110 00 Praha 1
International department:
E-mail: internationaldep@sons.cz
President: Luboš Zajíc
E-mail: zajic@sons.cz
Cellphone: +420 775 438 187
Vice-President: Jan Snyrych
E-mail: snyrych@sons.cz
Tel: +420 221 462 469
Cellphone: +420 731 169 643
Website: www.sons.cz/
Dansk Blindesamfund (External link)
President : Diana STENTOFT (from 01/04/2025)
Blekinge Boulevard 2
DK-2630 Taastrup
Tel: +45 38 14 88 44
Fax: +45 38 14 88 00
E-mail: info@blind.dk
Website: www.blind.dk
Estonian Blind Union
Raua tn. 1, EE-10124 Tallinn
Chairman: Mr. Jakob Rosin
Tel: +372 5232932
E-mail: jakob@pimedateliit.ee
General Manager: Mari Sepp
Tel: +372 551 1619
E-mail: mari@pimedateliit.ee
General E-mail epl@pimedateliit.ee
Website: www.pimedateliit.ee/
Finnish Federation of the Visually Impaired (External link)
Coordinator of International Affairs - Sonja Ronkainen
P.O. Box 61, FI-00030 Iiris
(Marjaniementie 74, 00930 Helsinki)
+358 9 3960 4632
E-mail: sonja.ronkainen@ffvi.fi
Website: www.nakovammaistenliitto.fi/en/
Confédération Française pour la Promotion Sociale des Aveugles et Amblyopes
President: Bernard DEFEBVRE
5 Avenue Daniel Lesueur, 75007 Paris
Tel: +33 1 45 30 96 12
E-mail: contact@cfpsaa.fr presidence@cfpsaa.fr
German Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted (External link)
Rungestr. 19, 10 179 Berlin
Tel: 0049 30 28 53 87 - 120
President: Mr. Hans-Werner Lange
International Office: Ms. Merve Sezgin
Mail: international@dbsv.org
Website: www.dbsv.org
Panhellenic Association of the Blind (External link)
President: Ilias MARGIOLAS
31 Veranzerou Street, 104 32 Athens
Tel: +30 210 5228 333, 5245 001, 5245 555
then dial 119 (Social Department) or 138 (International Department)
Fax: +30 210 5222 112
E-mail: pab@otenet.gr
Hungarian Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted (External link)
President: Dr. Sándor Nagy
Hermina ut 47
H-1146 Budapest
Tel: +36 30 577 5650
E-mail: elnokseg@mvgyosz.hu
Attila Ollé, Coordinator of International Affairs
Tel: +36 30 577 5650
E-mail: international@mvgyosz.hu
Website: www.mvgyosz.hu
Blindrafelagid, Icelandic Association of the Visually Impaired (BIAVI)
Chairman: Mr. Sigþór U. Hallfreðsson
Hamrahlid 17, IS-105 Reykjavik
Tel: +354 525 0000
Fax: +354 525 0001
E-mail: suh@blind.is
Central e-mail: blind@blind.is
International affairs: Marjakaisa Matthíasson kaisa@blind.is
Website: www.blind.is
Vision Ireland
Chief Executive Officer: Chris White
Whitworth Road, Drumcondra, Dublin 9
Tel: +353 1800 911250
E-mail: chris.white@vi.ie - info@vi.ie
Website: vi.ie
Unione Italiana dei Ciechi e degli Ipovedenti(External link)
President: Mario Barbuto
Via Borgognona 38, I-00187 Roma
Tel: +39 06 699 88388, +39 06 699 88375, +39 06 699 88385
E-mail: inter@uiciechi.it(International Relations Office)
Website: www.uiciechi.it
Skype: uic.international1
Skype: uic.international2
Kazakh Society of the Blind
Chairman: Nauryzbayev Almat Sabitzhanovich
Microdistrict Chubary 3, House 20
010000 Astana
Tel: +7 7172 44-96-19, +7 7172 44-96-17
E-mail: prezidiumcpookos@mail.ru
Latvian Society of the Blind(External link)
Braila iela 3,
Rīga, LV-1024
Tel;. +371 67 532607
E-mail: info@lnbiedriba.lv
Website: www.lnbiedriba.lv
Lithuanian Association of the Blind and Visually Handicapped (External link)
President: Paulius Kalvelis
Labdariu Street 7/11
Vilnius 01120
Tel: +370 52 624 866
Fax: +370 527 843 87
E-mail: centras@lass.lt
Website: www.lass.lt
Fondation Letzebuerger Blannevereenegung (External link)
President: Paul ENSCH
47 rue de Luxembourg, L-7540 Rollingen
Tel: +352 32 9031 1500
General Manager: Thierry Lutgen direction.generale@flb.lu
Head of the BBF Departmemt: Damien Talbot direction.bbf@flb.lu
E-mail: info@flb.lu
Website: www.flb.lu/
Moldova Association of the Blind (External link)
President: Dumitru SCLIFOS
101 Columna Street, MD-2012, Chisinau
Tel: +373 22 222789, +373 22 225191, Fax: +373 22 224116
E-mail: dcsom@mtc.md
Union of the Blind of Montenegro
PODGORICA, Njegoseva 6
Tel: +382 20 665 407
e-mail: savezslijepihcg@gmail.com
Executive Director: Goran Macanovic
e-mail: gmacanovic@gmail.com
Deputy Director: Mrs. Katarina Bigovic Kulic, savezslijepihcg@gmail.com
Tel: +382 20 665 368
President: Mr. Andrija Samardzic
e-mail: savezslijepihcg@gmail.com
Tel: +382 69 233 226
Website: http://ss-cg.org/
The Netherlands
Oogvereniging Nederland (External link)
Eye Association Netherlands
PO box 2344, 3500 GH Utrecht,
Tel: +31 30299 2878
e-mail: info@oogvereniging.nl
Website: www.oogvereniging.nl
Director: Carin Hoorn ; carin.hoorn@oogvereniging.nl
President: M/s. Margot Scheltema
Website: www.oogvereniging.nl
North Macedonia
National Union of the Blind of the Republic of North Macedonia (External link)
11 Oktomvri 42 A, 1000 Skopje
Tel: +389 23 246 537
Website: www.nssrm.org.mk
E-mail - info@nssrm.org.mk
President: Mr Zarko SELKOVSKI
Tel: +389 75 390 295
E-mail: selkovski@gmail.com
Secretary General Mr Sterja DIMOV
E-mail: mknssrm@gmail.com
Tel: +389 78 291 137
Website: www.nssrm.org.mk
Norwegian Association of the Blind and Partially Sighted (Norges Blindeforbund) (External link)
President: Terje Andre Olsen tao@blindeforbundet.no
Executive Director:Per-Inge Bjerknes
Senior adviser : Arnt Holte arnt.holte@blindeforbundet.no
Sporveisgata 10, Pb. 5900 Majorstuen
N-0308 Oslo
Tel: +47 23 21 50 00
International Dept.: Terje Iversen Terje.Iversen@blindeforbundet.no
General contact: Communication department info@blindeforbundet.no
Website: www.blindeforbundet.no
Polish Association of the Blind (External link)
President: Mr Andrzej Brzezinski
Ul. Konwiktorska 9, 00-216 Warsaw
Tel: +48 22 831 3383 (secretariat); +48 22 831 2271 (switchboard)
E-mail: pzn@pzn.org.pl
Website: www.pzn.org.pl
ACAPO - (External link) Associação dos Cegos e Amblíopes de Portugal (External link)
President of ACAPO National Board:
Mr. Rodrigo Nuno Godinho Santos
Av. D. Carlos I, 126, 9º
1200-651 Lisboa
Tel: +351 21 324 45 00
E-mail: relacoesinternacionais@acapo.pt ; dn@acapo.pt
Website: www.acapo.pt
Skype: acapo.relacoes.internacionais
Romanian Association of the Blind
President, Mr. Tudorel Tupilusi
Str. Vatra Luminoasa nr. 108 bis
021919 Bucharest
Tel/Fax: +40 31 410 06 45
E-mails: romanianblind@gmail.com
Russia Membership suspended for the duration of the war in Ukraine
Russia Association of the Blind, VOS (External link)
President: Vladimir SIPKIN
Novaya Ploshad 14, 109012 Moscow
Tel: +7 495 623 6160
Fax: +7 495 623 7600
E-mail: oms@vos.org.ru
Website: www.vos.org.ru/eng
Union of the Blind of Serbia
Knez Mihajlova 42,
11000 Belgrade Serbia
Tel. +381 11 3286 550 and +381 11 3286 726
Mob: +381 60 7050 478
E-mail: info@savezslepih.org.rs; savezslepihsrb@gmail.com
Website: http://savezslepih.org.rs/
Slovak Blind and Partially Sighted Union (External link)
President: Ján Podolinský
Sekulska 672/1, 841 04 Bratislava
Tel: +421 2 6920 3420
E-mails: president@unss.sk; unss@unss.sk
Website: www.unss.sk
Union of the Blind and Partially Sighted of Slovenia (External link)
President: Matej ŽNUDERL
Groharjeva 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Tel: +386 1 4700 211
Fax: +386 1 4700 220
E-mail: info@zveza-slepih.si
Website: www.zveza-slepih.si
Organizacion Nacional de Ciegos Españoles
C/ La Coruña 18, 28020 Madrid
Tel: +34 91 436 5300
Fax: +34 91 436 5353
E-mails: RRII@once.es, bmmu@once.es
Website: www.once.es
Swedish Association of the Visually Impaired (External link) / Synskadades Riksforbund (SRF)
President: Niklas Mattsson
Sandsborgsvagen 52
S-122 88 Enskede
Tel: +46 8 39 91 11
Mobile: +46 703 18 36 90
E-mail: Per Wictorsson per.wictorsson@srf.nu
Cecilia Ekstrand cecilia.ekstrand@srf.nu
Website: www.srf.nu
Swiss National Association of and for the Blind / Swiss Federation of the Blind and Visually Impaired / Swiss Union of the Blind (External link)
Sarina Stark
Schützengasse 4
CH-9001 St. Gallen
E-mail: international@snablind.ch
Website: www.sbv-fsa.ch / www.blind.ch / www.snab.ch/snab
Federation of the Blind of Turkey
President: Emin Demirci
GMK Bulvarı 32/6, Ankara
Tel: +90 312 231 8243
Mobil telephone: +90 533 556 9735
Fax number: +90 312 231 8246
E-mail: bilgi@korlerfederasyonu.org.tr, emin.demirci42@gmail.com
The Ukrainian Association of the Blind
President: Vladyslav BILCHYCH
3, Pecherskyі uzviz, 01601 Kyiv
Tel-1: +380442341127
Tel-2: +380674454015
E-mail: irinautos@ukr.net
Website: http://cputos.org.ua/
United Kingdom
Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) (External link)
Grimaldi Building
154a Pentonville Road
Kings Cross
London N1 9JE
Tel: +44 (0) 303 123 9999
CEO – Matt Stringer
Chair – Anna Tylor
email: Abi Fitzgibbon
Website: www.rnib.org.uk
EBU Associate and Honorary members
EBU Honorary Life Members
In addition to organizations, EBU honors individuals who made special contributions to the visually impaired community
- Wolfgang Angermann, Germany, EBU 12th GA, 2024
- Mokrane Boussaïd, France, EBU 12th GA, 2024
- Philippe Chazal, France, EBU 12th GA, 2024
- Geert Joosten, Netherlands, EBU 11th GA, 2019
- Des Kenny, Ireland, EBU 10th GA, 2015
- Lord Colin Low, UK, EBU 9th GA, 2011
- Poul Luneborg, Denmark, EBU 9th GA, 2011
- Norbert Müller, Germany, EBU 9th GA, 2011
- Kicki Nordström, Sweden, EBU 9th GA, 2011
EBU Associate Members
Associate membership is available to individuals or organizations that don't meet the criteria of national membership, but who are interested in being part of EBU. For details on how to become an associate member, contact us at the address at the bottom of the page.
- The Kosovo Association of the Blind (August 2020)
- LIBE (External link) (Ligo Internacia de Blindaj Esperantistoj)
Views of Life
EBU can present a series of videocasts produced by Austrian broadcaster ORF Connect, called ‘Views of Life’ and which will go on to feature, in future episodes, interviews with people from EBU member organisations.
- The first episode features EBU Executive Director Lars Bosselmann and EBU External Communication Officer, Nacho Lopez, being interviewed by journalist Julius Kratky about the series of programmes. (December 2022)
- In the second episode, Julius Kratky interviews Elisa Montonen, who works as a rights advisor in our Finnish member. (January 2023)
- The third episode features an interview by Julius Kratky with the President of of our Czech member, Luboš Zajíc. (February 2023)
- For the fourth episode Reiner Delgado of the German Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted (DBSV) is interviewed by Julius Kratky. (February 2023)
- Episode five see Julius interviewing Cristina Barreto, from our Spanish member ONCE. (February 2023)
- In episode six, it is Dorota Krać from our Polish Member PZN who has an in depth interview with Julius. (March 2023)
- Episode seven features Julius interviewing Katarina Bigović-Kulić and Anđela Dragović, from the Union of the Blind of Montenegro. (May 2023)
- In the eighth episode, Julius interviews Madeleine McNamara, from the National Council for the Blind in Ireland. (July 2023)
- For the ninth episode, Ask Løvbjerg Abildgaard, from our Danish Member (Dansk Blindesamfund), is interviewed by Julius. (July 2023)
- In the tenth episode, Julius interviews Rodrigo Santos, President of ACAPO, the Association of Blind and Visually Impaired of Portugal., who is deeply committed to his job. He is also a member of the Board of the EBU, which is celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2024.
- For the 11th episode, Julius talks to EBU’s Executive Director, Lars Bosselmann (February 2024).
- In the 12th episode, the interview is with Dr. Markus Wolf, President of the Austrian Association of Blind and Partially Sighted People. (April 2024)
- In the 13th episode, Julius interviews Vilmantas Balčikonis, Vice-President of the Lithuanian Association of the Blind and Partially Sighted. (May 2024).
- For the 14th episode Julius interviews Anja Uršič, from our Slovenian Member. (Nov 2024).
- Episode 15 features an interview with Henrik Götesson, Swedish Association of the Visually Impaired. (Nov 2024)
Please note, while we welcome this collaboration, EBU is the subject not the producer of these videocasts, and they are on the Vimeo platform, which may not have all the same accessibility features as youtube.