
I - The resources and income of disabled people.

  1. Are there specific legislative procedures for disabled people to enable them to have a minimum of resources ?
  2. Do laws exist in your country to enable a minimum of resources for people who become disabled during their working lives ?

II - Disability compensation.


A) An average of 70% of blind and seriously partially-sighted people of working age are unemployed. Are there specific legislative procedures for disabled people in your country to enable them to have a minimum of resources?


  • If yes: what are these allowances?

Disability Pension (rokkantsági járadék)

Eligibility criteria of Disability Pension: The applicant must be not less than 18 years old, he or she must have suffered a health impairment of at least 70% before his or her age of 25, while being not granted either old-age pension (öregségi nyugdíj), accidental pension (baleseti nyugellátás) or Allowance of People with reduced Working Capability. Disability Pension is not considered as pension, the applicant is not required to have any earlier period of social contribution. Disability allowance is also a base for family tax credit pursuant to Ministerial Decree 83/1987. (XII. 27.)

  1. Since 2012 a person with reduced working capability can be granted either Disability Allowance (rokkantsági ellátás) or Rehabilitation Allowance (rehabilitációs ellátás), eliminating his or her Disability Pension granted before. 
    Any individual whose state of health is classified as 60% or under on the grounds of the complex rating procedure conducted by the rehabilitation authority shall be eligible for disability allowance (hereinafter referred to as “disabled person”), as well as any individual that
    a) was insured in accordance with Section 5 of the Social Security Benefits Act throughout 1,095 days within a period of 5 years prior to submitting their application;
    b) does not engage in any income earning activity and
    c) does not receive any financial assistance.
  2. Contrary to what has been specified in Paragraph a) of Section (1), the following shall be entitled to disability allowance regardless of their insurance coverage:
  1. any individual that is insured within a period of 180 days after completing their studies and was continually insured for over 30 days prior to the submission of their application, or
  2. any individual that received a disability pension, accident disability pension, rehabilitation allowance or social security benefit for persons with health impairments on 31 December 2011.

See the categories according to the extent of Health Status (pursuant to Act. CXCI of 2011) as below:

Disability Allowance: (status final) based on status of health,

51–60% - Category B2

31-50 % - Category C2

1-30 % - Category D

1-30 % (not self-sufficient) - Category E

Rehabilitation Allowance: (status might improve, or subject to rehabilitation) is possible) based on status of health

51–60% - Category B1

31-50% - Category C1

Increased Amount of Child Benefit (magasabb összegű családi pótlék):: every child is entitled for child benefit unless his or her studies are over, upto a maximum age of 20 years. An Increased Amount Child Benefit is due for a child with special educational needs until a maximum age of 23 years.

Disability Benefit (Fogyatékossági támogatás) or Personal Allowance for the Blind (Vakok személyi járadéka): Personal Allowance for the Blind is under discontinuation, since 2001 it cannot be applied for anymore. Every person over the age of 18, with severe disability is entitled for that allowance, every person with severe visual impairment is granted that benefit. It is granted even in addition to a Disability or Rehabilitation Pension, providing also travelling benefits when using public transportation, as per Governmental Decree 141/2000. (VIII. 9.).

Prescription Exemption (Közgyógyellátás): Ín kind benefit. It is granted to diminish the costs of a socially deprived person related to keep or recover his or her status of health, providing beneficial of free of charge costs within the Social Security System (Act III of 1993).

National Health Insurance Fund (Országos Egészségbiztosítási Pénztár = OEP): A Visually Impaired person can demand a medical assistive tool supported by OEP. However the only supported “orientation assistive tools” are white canes, actually only 4 types manufactured in Hungary. These 4 types are usually not preferred by the Visually Impaired in Hungary. The extent of support is 98%. Visually Impaired people with Diabetes can apply for support for their Insulin Pen, where the rate of support is 80%. There exists also a possibility to demand almost anything that will be judged on basis of special individual assessment, visually impaired person apply that way usually for enlargers, digital enlargers or hand monoculars. The process is rather complicated: in addition to the application submitted to OEP, a report by a special Eye doctor, Description of the required article, a price offer for the demanded tool, and a Prescription by an Eye-doctor are also to be attached. Once an Application has been approved, the rate of support will be 30-80%. Most of the applicants have been approved (various degrees) so far (Act. LXXXIII of 1997 on the Services of the Compulsory Health Insurance System).

Tax Credit (Adókedvezmény): According to the Act on Personal Income Tax and Tax Allowances, a person with severe disability is entitled for a Personal Income Tax Allowance, the value of which equals to 5% of minimum monthly wage valid at the first day of the taxation year in question, i.e., he or she can reduce the amount of the due personal income tax by that amount. Persons with Diabetes belong also to that category, in accordance with Act CXVII. of 1995 on Personal Income Tax.

Extra holiday/Paid leave (Pótszabadság: An employee who has been approved as a person with reduced working capability of not less than 50% by the Rehabilitation Specialists' Commission in charge, or who is granted Disability or Rehabilitation Pension or Blind Allowance is entitled for 5 extra days holiday in a year.

Parking Card/Disability Card (Parkolási igazolvány):

Support of passenger car purchase (Személygépkocsi vásárlásához nyújtott támogatás): a person entitled for Disability Allowance on basis of Act  XXVI. of 1998 on Provision of the Rights of Persons Living with Disability and. Equality of Opportunities Par. 23. Art (1) a)–d) or h), or granted Personal Allowance for the Blind pursuing Act XXVI. of 1998 Par. 23. Art.(1) f) or on basis of  Point g) of the same Article is classified as a person with multiple disabilities, except when one of his or her disabilities is physical impairment, or he or she is less than 18 years old and he or she is entitled for an Increased Amount of Child Benefit due to a certain kind of illness defined by ESZCSM Ministerial Decree 5/2003. (II. 19.).

A person with visual, intellectual or physical impairment granted Disability Allowance, or who has been granted Personal Allowance for the Blind and had been classified as a Blind earlier than July 01st, 2001, or who is considered as blind or visually impaired on basis of the Act on Illnesses entitling for Increased Amount of Child Benefit, and who can prove his or her eligibility with an Expert Report as per Governmental Decree 218/2003.(XII.11.) is entitled for a Parking Card (disability card).

Give specific details of the following aspects:

  • 1 Criteria of eligibility
  1. Age.

    Disability Pension (Rokkantsági járadék): 18-25 years

    Disability Allowance (rokkantsági ellátás), Rehabilitation Allowance (Rehabilitációs ellátás): at least 15 years, no maximum age

    Increased Amount of Child Benefit (Magasabb összegű családi pótlék): no minimum age, maximum 23 years

    Disability Benefit (Fogyatékossági támogatás): minimum age:18 years; no maximum age

    Prescription Exemption (Közgyógyellátás): no age limit

    Tax Credit (Adókedvezmény): the applicant must be an employee. Minimum age 15 years (with special parental permission); no maximum age

    Extra holiday (Extra Paid Leave) (Pótszabadság): The beneficiary must be an employee. Minimum age 15 years (with special parental permission); no maximum age.

    Support of passenger car purchase (Személygépkocsi vásárlásához nyújtott támogatás): no age limit

    Parking Card (Parkolási igazolvány): no age limit

  2. Level of disability.

    Disability Pension (Rokkantsági járadék): Health damage of minimum 70%.

    Disability Allowance (rokkantsági ellátás), Rehabilitation Allowance (Rehabilitációs ellátás): on basis of a complete health assessment process

    Disability Allowance (Rokkantsági ellátás): categorised on basis of health status (considered as final):

    51–60% - Category B2

    31-50 % - Category C2

    1-30 % - Category D

    1-30 % (not self-sufficient) - Category E

    Rehabilitation Allowance (Rehabilitációs ellátás): categorised on basis of health status (status may still improve, or subject to rehabilitation):

    51–60% - Category B1

    31-50% - Category C1

    Increased Amount of Child Benefit (Magasabb összegű családi pótlék): The beneficiary must be in need of special education, as per Act CXC of 2011 on National Public Education, referring to the Report of an Experts' Commission, according to which the child in question is classified into a special BNO (ICD) Category.

    Disability Benefit (Fogyatékossági támogatás):: A beneficiary must have visual impairment.

    Sever visual impairment: Someone being able to live and move exclusively by touch/hearing. (Being in absolute lack of sight or a partially sighted whose vision cannot be improved either by an assistive tool or by operation.)

    A Visually Impaired is a person whose residual vision,

    a) with lenses

    aa) in both eyes 5/70,

    ab) in one eyes 5/50, while having mere perception of the movement of hand from a distance of 3 meters.,

    ac) in one eye 5/40, while either having in the other eye no mere perception of light or missing the other eye, or whose sight loss reaches 95%.

    b) field of vision is not greater than twenty degrees at the widest diameter.

    Prescription Exemption (Közgyógyellátás): is granted on a normative base, but it may be approved even on equity base, it is due for all the categories listed above. Once applied for, all visually impaired persons are granted this benefit.

    Tax Credit (Adókedvezmény): Anyone with severe visual disability is entitled for that.

    Extra holiday (Extra Paid Leave) (Pótszabadság): Status of health reduced at least by 50%, or anyone having been granted Personal Allowance. for the Blind.

    Support of passenger car purchase (Személygépkocsi vásárlásához nyújtott támogatás): Severe visual impairment

  3. Nationality.

    Disability Pension (Rokkantsági járadék): Applicant must have a permanent residence in Hungary.

    Disability Allowance (rokkantsági ellátás), Rehabilitation Allowance (Rehabilitációs ellátás): An eligible person must have been insured (Social Insurance) throughout 1,095 days within a period of 5 years prior to submitting his or her application, in accordance wiht Act CXCI of 2011 on Allowances for Persons with Disabilities and the Amendment of Certain Legislation, Art 2.

    Increased Amount of Child Benefit (Magasabb összegű családi pótlék): Any EU Citizen with permanent residential address in Hungary, or other foreingers havig been granted residentce permission in Hungary.

    Disability Benefit (Fogyatékossági támogatás): Anyone is eligible who was either a Hungarian Citizen living in Hungary, or other Nationalities with a permanent residential address in Hungary, or immigrants recognised by the Hungarian Authorities as a refugee or homeless at the time of submitting his or her application for Disability Benefit.

    Prescription Exemption (Közgyógyellátás): varies, depending on the reason of approval of the application.

    Országos Egészségbiztosítási Pénztár: Anyone involved in the Hungarian Social Insurance System. For details see Section 5/b of Act. LXXXIII of 1997 on the Services of the Compulsory Health Insurance System (,bs.1,d.bGs)

    Tax Credit (Adókedvezmény): must be employed in Hungary

    Extra holiday (Extra Paid Leave) (Pótszabadság): must be employed in Hungary

    Support of passenger car purchase (Személygépkocsi vásárlásához nyújtott támogatás): Anyone is eligible who was either a Hungarian Citizen living in Hungary, or other Nationalities with a permanent residential address in Hungary, or immigrants recognised by the Hungarian Authorities as a refugee or homeless at the time of submitting his or her application.

    Parking Card (Parkolási igazolvány): Anyone is eligible who was either a Hungarian Citizen living in Hungary, or other Nationalities with a permanent residential address in Hungary, or immigrants recognised by the Hungarian Authorities as a refugee or homeless at the time of submitting his or her application.

  4. Conditions of residence in the country.

    1. A Hungarian citizen, or someone having a resident or immigrant status, as well as a person recognized by the Hungarian authorities as a refugee or stateless residing in Hungary;

    2. A person having the right of free movement and residence, if at the time of the application for the allowance he has been living for more than three months as a resident and having a registered permanent address in Hungary;

    3. A person having a highly qualified work and residence permit issued for the purpose (EU Blue Card) for third-country nationals provided they have declared residence or place of residence.

    For details see:

  • 2 Financial conditions.
  1. Ceiling.
    - Is the allowance means-tested?

    Partially yes

    Disability Pension (Rokkantsági járadék): Fix amount being increased as regulated by Act CLXXIII of 2005 on the Increase of Social Benefits Aiming to Correct the Existing Disproportions between Benefits.

    Disability Allowance (rokkantsági ellátás), Rehabilitation Allowance (Rehabilitációs ellátás): Depending on the Results of the Expert's Complex Assessment it varies according to the degree of health impairment, divided into categories as listed above earlier. The granted amount cannot be more than 150% of the actual minimum wage.

    Increased Amount of Child Benefit (Magasabb összegű családi pótlék): In addition to the expert's assessment it depends on other factors, too.

    Disability Benefit (Fogyatékossági támogatás): No, Approval happens on basis of the submitted documentation set out by an eye specialist (doctor) and a general practitioner.

    Prescription Exemption (Közgyógyellátás): may be taken into account when deciding about equity eligibility.

    National Health Insurance Fund (Országos Egészségbiztosítási Pénztár = OEP): No

    Tax Credit (Adókedvezmény): No

    Extra holiday (Extra Paid Leave) (Pótszabadság): No

    Support of passenger car purchase (Személygépkocsi vásárlásához nyújtott támogatás): No

    Parking Card (Parkolási igazolvány): No

    - If YES, does the ceiling take into account the family situation of the person?

    Family status is not checked except Child Benefit, as that is granted according to the number of children

  2. Calculation of financial conditions.

    - If the allowance is means-tested, state under what conditions.

  • 3 Amount of the allowance.
  1. Normal rate.

    - What is the amount of the allowance given to people with no other income, state briefly how the allowance varies according to other income or resources

    Disability Pension (Rokkantsági járadék): HUF 34475/month + travel benefits. Its annual increase (valorisation) is ensured by law; the actual rate is determined by a governmental decision.

    Disability Allowance (rokkantsági ellátás), Rehabilitation Allowance (Rehabilitációs ellátás):

    Disability Allowance (Rokkantsági ellátás): The actual rates were determined on basis of the Minimum wage of 2012:

    Category B2 – 40% of the beneficiary's average monthly income; minimum HUF 27,900, maximum HUF 41,850/month

    Category C2 - 60% of the beneficiary's average monthly income; minimum HUF41,850, maximum HUF 139,500/month

    Category D - 65% of the beneficiary's average monthly income; minimum HUF 46,500, maximum HUF 39,500/month

    Category E - 70% of the beneficiary's average monthly income; minimum HUF 51,150, maximum HUF 139,500 /month

    Rehabilitation Allowance (Rehabilitációs ellátás): The actual rates were determined on basis of the Minimum wage of 2012, eligible for not more than 3 years (in case or deteriorating health status it is subject to re-approval)

    Category B1 - 35% of the applicant's average monthly income; minimum HUF 27,900, maximum HUF 37,200/month

    Category C1 - 45% of the applicant's average monthly income; minimum HUF 41,850, maximum 46,500/month

    Increased Amount of Child Benefit (Magasabb összegű családi pótlék): fogyatékos gyermekét egyedül nevelő szülő részére 25.900 forint.

    Disability Benefit (Fogyatékossági támogatás): The amount of the Disability Benefit equals to 65% of the actual minimum old-age pension. In case of a person with multiple disabilities it amount to 80 % of the minimum old-age-pension.

    In case of Visual, Hearing, Intellectual or Physical Impairment or Autism: HUF 20,652.

    In case of a person with multiple disabilities, or if in addition to his or her Impairment or Autism an applicant is absolutely unable to care of him- or herself: HUF 25,418.

    Personal Allowance for the Blind (vakok személyi járadéka): HUF 17,120.(since 2001 it cannot be applied for anymore)

    Prescription Exemption (Közgyógyellátás): non-cash benefit, providing special (reduced), or free of charge price within the National Insurance and Health Care System.

    National Health Insurance Fund (Országos Egészségbiztosítási Pénztár = OEP): non-cash benefit, providing special (reduced), or free of charge price

    Tax Credit (Adókedvezmény): 5% of the Minimum Wage valid on the fist day of the Tax year in question, at present HUF 5,500/month

    Extra holiday (Extra Paid Leave) (Pótszabadság): non-cash benefit

    Support of passenger car purchase (Személygépkocsi vásárlásához nyújtott támogatás): for the purchase of a new car: HUF 1,000,000; for the purchase of a used car: 60% of the purchase price, maximum HUF 600,000

    Parking Card (Parkolási igazolvány): non-cash benefit

  2. Reduction of the allowance.

    - State briefly under what circumstances the allowance may be reduced.

    Rehabilitation Allowance (Rehabilitációs ellátás): If the beneficiary has engaged in an income earning activity for more than 20 hours a week. The Rehabilitation Allowance is being continuously reduced, so that its rate and value should be reduced and finally cancelled in accordance with the rehabilitation or improving status of health of the person in question. The aim is to help the person with disability to return to the open labour market. Rehabilitation Allowance can be granted for not more than 3 years.

    Once the eye(s) has/have been successfully operated all the allowances may be cancelled!!

    Disability Allowance (Rokkantsági ellátás): It shall be cancelled once a beneficiary has engaged in an income earning activity and his or her income has exceeded 150% of the actual minimal wage during 3 consecutive months.

  • 4 Minimum wage and “poverty line”.

- In order to compare the situation in different EBU member states, please indicate the minimum wage (if this exists in your country) for a full-time worker, and what is considered to be “the poverty line”.

The gross amount of the minimum wage valid as per January 01, 2016 was HUF 111,000, the same for a job requiring a secondary education level (e.g. gymnasium) is HUF 129,000.

On basis of the latest data published by KSH (Hungarian Central Statistical Office) in 2014 the poverty line was:

for one person: HUF 87,351/moth

for two persons: HUF 152,900/month

for a family of two persons with income with two children: , HUF 253,300/month.

In 2015 some 1.2 million households were said to be living below the poverty line.

  • 5 Payment of the allowance.

 - What are the organisations which calculate and attribute the allowance?

Disability Pension (rokkantsági járadék): Calculated, granted and attributed by the Central Administration of the National Pensions Insurance (Országos Nyugdíjbiztosítási Főigazgatóság Nyugdíjfolyósító Igazgatósága).

Disability Allowance (rokkantsági ellátás), Rehabilitation Allowance (Rehabilitációs ellátás): Granted by the Rehabilitation and Social Supplies Department of the Govemment Office of the Capital City Budapest or the Governement Office of the County in charge (corresponding ot the residential address of the beneficiary), attributed by the Central Administration of the National Pensions Insurance (Országos Nyugdíjbiztosítási Főigazgatóság Nyugdíjfolyósító Igazgatósága).

Increased Amount of Child Benefit (magasabb összegű családi pótlék): Approved by the Hungarian State Treasuy (Magyar Államkincstár). It is subject to an application including a Special Doctor's Opinion. Attributed by the Hungarian State Treasury (Magyar Államkincstár)

Disability Benefit (Fogyatékossági támogatás):

Calculated and paid by a Government Office of the Capital of Budapest or a County.

Personal Allowance for the Blind (Fogyatékossági támogatás, vagy vakok személyi járadéka):: Paid by a Government Office of the Capital of Budapest or a County

Prescription Exemption (Közgyógyellátás): Granted by a Notary of a Government Office of the Capital of Budapest or a County, on equity basis. It is working without any cash payment; costs are settled by and within the National Health Insurance Fund.

National Health Insurance Fund (Országos Egészségbiztosítási Pénztár = OEP):

National Health Insurance Fund (Országos Egészségbiztosítási Pénztár = OEP)

Tax Credit (Adókedvezmény): No financial allowance

Extra holiday (Extra Paid Leave) (Pótszabadság): No financial allowance

Support of passenger car purchase (Személygépkocsi vásárlásához nyújtott támogatás):

An application can be submitted either until March 31st, or September 30th of a year. The rate and amount of the possible subsidies are determined – within the Law on State Budget - by the minister responsible for Social and Pension Policies, after consultation with MEOSZ (National Association of Physically Handicapped).

Parking (Disability) Card (Parkolási igazolvány):: No financial allowance. Approved and issued by a Government Office of the Capital of Budapest or a County.

  • 6 Tax treatment of allowances and fringe benefits.
  1. Tax. Is the benefit subject to tax?
  2. Fringe benefits. Does this allowance accord any fringe benefits?

    A person having been grantedIncreased Amount of Child Benefit(magasabb összegű családi pótlék) or Disability Benefit (Fogyatékossági támogatás) is entitled also for Public Transportation Benefits.

    Anyone having been granted Disability Pension

    Anyone having a Membership ID issued by MVGYOSZ (Hungarian Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted) is entitled to take advantages of Public Transportation Benefits.

    and whose eligibility has been certified by the local actuary is entitled to take advantages of local Public Transportation Benefits. He or she is also entitled to use any Public Transportation Benefits due to (usual) Pensioners.
    If yes give details:

    Anyone having been granted Increased Amount of Child Benefit (magasabb összegű családi pótlék), Disability Benefit (Fogyatékossági támogatás) or having the Membership ID issued by MVGYOSZ  is entitled to take advantages of Interurban Public Transportation Benefits (rail, suburban rail, bus, ferry)m rate of which is 90%. The same benefit (90% reduced fare) is due to the person accompanying him or her.

    The rate of Local Public Transportation Benefits is 100%, both for the beneficiary and for the accompanying person.

B) Do laws exist in your country to enable a minimum of resources for people who become disabled during their working lives?


  • If yes : what is the name of the allowance ?

The same laws and regulations are valid for all persons in disabilities, independently form their age of becoming disabled, as listed above.
Disability Allowance and Personal Allowance for the Blind can no longer be applied for.

Specify by giving details of the following aspects:

  • 1 Criteria of eligibility
  1. Age.
  2. Degree of disability.
  3. Nationality.
  4. Residency requirements.
  5. Other conditions, please give details.
  • 2 Means test.
  • 3 Amount of the allowance.
  • 4 Attribution, payment of the allowance.

- Who attributes the allowance: State, local government, others, give details.

  • 5 Tax treatment of allowances and fringe benefits.


A visual disability (blindness or serious loss of sight) entails additional costs which must be met. Is there a specific allowance in your country to compensate for these costs?


  • If yes, give the name of this allowance and reply to the following questions.

Disability Benefit (Fogyatékossági támogatás) or Personal Allowance for the Blind (Vakok személyi járadéka): Personal Allowance for the Blind is under discontinuation, since 2001 it cannot be applied for anymore. Every person over the age of 18, with severe disability is entitled for that allowance, every person with severe visual impairment is granted that benefit. It is granted even in addition to a Disability or Rehabilitation Pension, providing also travelling benefits when using public transportation, as per Governmental Decree 141/2000. (VIII. 9.).

In case of Visual, Hearing, Intellectual or Physical Impairment or Autism: HUF 20,327.

In case of a person with multiple disabilities, or if in addition to his or her Impairment or Autism an applicant is absolutely unable to care of him- or herself: HUF 25,018.

  • 1 Eligibility conditions.
  1. Age.

    - Minimum:

    An eligible applicant must be at least 18 years old.

    - Maximum:


    - Duration of the allowance.

    As stated by the medical expert report.

  2. Degree of disability.

    Visually Impaired, whose condition is long-term or final, and is not able for an independent life or is in need of permanent assistance:

    Sever visual impairment: Someone being able to live and move exclusively by touch/hearing. (Being in absolute lack of sight or a partially sighted whose vision cannot be improved either by an assistive tool or by operation.)

    A Visually Impaired is a person whose residual vision,

    a) with lenses

    aa) in both eyes 5/70,

    ab) in one eyes 5/50, while having mere perception of the movement of hand from a distance of 3 meters.,

    ac) in one eye 5/40, while either having in the other eye no mere perception of light or missing the other eye, or whose sight loss reaches 95%.

    b) field of vision is not greater than twenty degrees at the widest diameter.

  3. Nationality.

    At the time of submitting his or her application an eligible applicant must be a Hungarian Citizen living in Hungary, or must have a residential of immigrant status recognised by the Hungarian Authorities in Charge as a Refugee or Stateless. For details see

  4. Conditions of residence in the country.
    For details see
  5. Other conditions, give details.

    1. A Hungarian citizen, or someone having a resident or immigrant status, as well as a person recognized by the Hungarian authorities as a refugee or stateless having a registered permanent address in Hungary ;

    2. A person having the right of free movement and residence, if at the time of the application for the allowance he has been living for more than three months as a resident and having a registered permanent address in Hungary.  

    3. A person having a highly qualified work and residence permit issued for the purpose (EU Blue Card) for third-country nationals, provided they have declared residence or place of residence.

  • 2 Financial conditions.
  • 3 Amount of the allowance.

- What is the amount of the allowance?

In case of Visual, Hearing, Intellectual or Physical Impairment or Autism: HUF 20,327.

In case of a person with multiple disabilities, or if in addition to his or her Impairment or Autism an applicant is absolute lack of self-serve capability. HUF

  • 4 Attribution and payment of the allowance.

- Which organisations attribute and pay the allowance:
State, local authorities, please give details.

Approved and paid by a Government Office of the Capital of Budapest or a County.

  • 5 Payment of the allowance.

The allowance is paid monthly.

  • 6 Reduction of the allowance.

- State briefly under what conditions the allowance can be reduced.

The amount of the Disability Benefit equals to 65% of the actual minimum old-age pension. In case of a person with multiple disabilities it amount to 80 % of the minimum old-age-pension.

  • 7 Tax system of the allowance and fringe benefits.
  1. Tax system.
    Is the allowance subject to tax?

  2. Fringe benefits.
    Does the allowance offer fringe benefits?


    A person eligible for Disability Benefit is entitled also for Public Transportation Benefits.

    Anyone having been granted Disability Benefit (Fogatékossági támogatás), or having a Membership ID issued by MVGYOSZ  is entitled to take advantages of Interurban Public Transportation Benefits (rail, suburban rail, bus, ferry) the rate of which is 90%. The same benefit (90% reduced fare) is due to the person accompanying him or her.

    The rate of Local Public Transportation Benefits is 100%, both for the beneficiary and for the accompanying person.

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