
I - The resources and income of disabled people.

  1. Are there specific legislative procedures for disabled people to enable them to have a minimum of resources ?
  2. Do laws exist in your country to enable a minimum of resources for people who become disabled during their working lives ?

II - Disability compensation.


A) An average of 70% of blind and seriously partially-sighted people of working age are unemployed. Are there specific legislative procedures for disabled people in your country to enable them to have a minimum of resources?


If yes: what are these allowances?

Disability pension

Give specific details of the following aspects:

1 Criteria of eligibility

  1. Age.

    - Minimum:
    no restrictions
    - Maximum:
    no restrictions

  2. Level of disability.
    As defined by state disability card
  3. Nationality.
  4. Conditions of residence in the country.
    Russian Federation citizen


2 Financial conditions.

  1. Ceiling.
    - Is the allowance means-tested?


  2. Calculation of financial conditions.

    - If the allowance is means-tested, state under what conditions.


3 Amount of the allowance.

  1. Normal rate.

    - What is the amount of the allowance given to people with no other income, state briefly how the allowance varies according to other income or resources.

    It varies from 4500 roubles (appr. 64 euro) in smaller Russian towns  to 14500 roubles (200 euro) in Moscow, for example. These figures are very approximate.
    An allowance rate doesn't depend on the other resources of income.

  2. Reduction of the allowance.

    - State briefly under what circumstances the allowance may be reduced.

    It cannot be reduced

4 Minimum wage and “poverty line”.

- In order to compare the situation in different EBU member states, please indicate the minimum wage (if this exists in your country) for a full-time worker, and what is considered to be “the poverty line”.

Minimum monthly wage in Russia is 6204 roubles as of January 1, 2016 (article 1  Federal Law №376 of 14.12.2015).

The reasonable subsistence in Russia as of January 1, 2016 is 10436 roubles.

5 Payment of the allowance.

 - What are the organisations which calculate and attribute the allowance?

Ministry of Labour and Social Development of the Russian Federation

6 Tax treatment of allowances and fringe benefits. Tax. Is the benefit subject to tax?

Fringe benefits. Does this allowance accord any fringe benefits?
The monthly payments

B) Do laws exist in your country to enable a minimum of resources for people who become disabled during their working lives?


If yes : what is the name of the allowance ?

Disability pension and disability pension recourse.

Specify by giving details of the following aspects:

  • 1 Criteria of eligibility
  1. Age.
    Minimum: 18
    Maximum: No maximum
  2. Degree of disability.
    As defined by state disability card
  3. Nationality.
  4. Residency requirements.
    Russian Federation citizen
  5. Other conditions, please give details.
    injury at work
  • 2 Means test.

Disabled people's living conditions monitoring made by the Russian Ministry of Labour and Social Development

  • 3 Amount of the allowance.

Varies in every region of Russian Federation

  • 4 Attribution, payment of the allowance.

- Who attributes the allowance: State, local government, others, give details.

Local social security authorities on behalf of the government

  • 5 Tax treatment of allowances and fringe benefits.
  1. Tax. Is the benefit subject to tax?
  2. Fringe benefits. Does this allowance accord fringe benefits?


A visual disability (blindness or serious loss of sight) entails additional costs which must be met. Is there a specific allowance in your country to compensate for these costs?


  • If yes, give the name of this allowance and reply to the following questions.

 Financial support for providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation.

  • 1 Eligibility conditions.
  1. Age.

    - Minimum: none

    - Maximum: none

    - Duration of the allowance.


  2. Degree of disability.
    Financial conditions are defined according to the disability degree
  3. Nationality.
  4. Conditions of residence in the country.
    Russian Federation citizen
  5. Other conditions, give details.
  • 2 Financial conditions.

 Financial conditions are defined according to the disability degree

  • 3 Amount of the allowance.

- What is the amount of the allowance?

It depends on the price of a technical mean of rehabilitation chosen by a disabled person from the federal or regional list of technical means of rehabilitation

  • 4 Attribution and payment of the allowance.

- Which organisations attribute and pay the allowance:
State, local authorities, please give details.

Financial compensation are paid by the local Social Development Fund branch.

  • 5 Payment of the allowance.

There are monthly payments, not in cash, but the money is transferred into the beneficiary's account.


  • 6 Reduction of the allowance.

- State briefly under what conditions the allowance can be reduced.



  • 7 Tax system of the allowance and fringe benefits.
  1. Tax system.
    Is the allowance subject to tax?

  2. Fringe benefits.
    Does the allowance offer fringe benefits?


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