News from Union of the Blind of Montenegro (UBM)

  • On the twelfth day of the Fifth Session of the Second Regular (Autumn) Session in 2021, December 29, 2021, MPs adopted the Bill of ratification the Marrakesh Treaty with 71 votes in favor.
  • The UBM has accredited a program of services for support for community living and support for the visually impaired, Seeing companion, which will enable visually impaired people to socialize and become more actively involved in social life.( )
  • The UBM continues its activities in the field of gender equality and accessible elections.

Through the project "Empowered towards change" which aims to strengthen the capacity of the UBM for more effective and quality dialogue, gender dimension of the EU accession process and improved accountability of government institutions, through the EU accession process.

By establishing cooperation with the OSCE and participating in the Parliamentary Committee for Comprehensive Electoral Reform, the UBM will emphasize changes in the field of independent and secret voting process for the visually impaired.