SIGN up NOW - EBU 2020 Webinars: Acoustic Systems for Information and Navigation!

Tuesday, November 10, 2020 to Friday, November 27, 2020 on line 10, 18 and 27 November 2020

Due to the current global health crisis, this year’s EBU conference focusing on acoustic systems for information and navigation purposes will be held in the form of 3 online events. You can download the programme for these events here.

The dates are:

  • 10 November at 10 am
  • 18 November at 10 am
  • 27 November at 10 am

Webinars will be audio recorded and each one will last approximately 2.5 hours with a short break in between. Presentations will be in English with interpretation available in French, German and Spanish.
All events are public. You can register by providing the following information to Romain FERRETTI, EBU Project Officer, at
- First name and LAST NAME
- Country
- Organisation/company (if relevant)

After registration, you will receive a confirmation and shortly before the conference a ZOOM link to join the webinar.

We kindly ask all participants to download and fill in a questionnaire on the situation of acoustic traffic lights in your country and to return it to Jan URBÀNEK at with a copy to Josef SÖGNER at no later than 23 October.

Please feel free to share this invitation within your networks and get back to us if you have any questions.